C Programming, C++, Cloud computing, Data science techniques, Java Programming, Machine learning techniques, MATLAB Programming, Python Programming, PyTorch, R Programming, Scala Programming, SQL, TensorFlow
Two Sigma is a financial sciences company, combining data analysis, invention, and rigorous inquiry to help solve the toughest challenges in investment management, insurance technology, securities, private equity, and venture capital.
Our team of scientists, technologists, and academics looks beyond the traditional to develop creative solutions to some of the world’s most complex economic problems.
Technology drives our business — it's our main advantage — and software engineers play a pivotal role.
Software engineers at Two Sigma focus on analysis, experimentation, design, and elegant implementation. They build the scalable tools the organization needs to explore data's possibilities and act on our findings – to mine the past and attempt to predict the future.
As a Two Sigma engineer, you'll champion the rigorous, collaborative, scientific approach that allows us to meet business needs. You'll join a forward-looking, future-reaching organization to build software that will scale with the company. You'll have opportunities to learn from others and share your expertise.
We attract engineers with a real passion for data. We seek individuals who want to build for today and invent for tomorrow. We value curiosity and insight, balanced with pragmatism and practicality. We recognize both the small steps, as well as the broad vision.
As a student, you will be hired into a general Software Engineering role and matched to a specific team 2-3 months before you start.
Depending on the Engineering area you join, you will take on the following responsibilities:
Wondering if this is the right role for you? You should possess the following qualifications:
Two Sigma is a financial sciences company, combining rigorous inquiry, data analysis, and invention to solve the toughest challenges in investment management, securities, private equity, insurance technology and venture capital. Our modelers and engineers develop ideas backed by information and improved by iteration. Empowered by extraordinary computing power and vast amounts of data, we build sophisticated predictive models.
London, UK
2-4 year