C Programming, C++, Cloud computing, Data science techniques, Java Programming, Machine learning techniques, MATLAB Programming, Python Programming, PyTorch, R Programming, Scala Programming, SQL, TensorFlow
Two Sigma is a financial sciences company, combining data analysis, invention, and rigorous inquiry to help solve the toughest challenges in investment management, insurance technology, securities, private equity, and venture capital.
Our team of scientists, technologists, and academics looks beyond the traditional to develop creative solutions to some of the world’s most complex economic problems.
When you work with us, you get to tackle tough problems alongside other scientists and engineers. People who will challenge your ideas. Who you can really learn from, and collaborate with. And you’re doing work that matters to a lot of people, too. Our investors include some of the world’s largest retirement funds, research institutions, educational endowments, healthcare systems and foundations. We admire what they do, and we’re proud to work with these organizations.
You will take on the following responsibilities:
You should possess the following qualifications:
You will enjoy the following benefits:
The base pay for this role is anticipated to be between $160,000 and $300,000. The anticipated base pay range is based on information as of the time this post was generated. This role may also be eligible for other forms of compensation and benefits, such as a discretionary bonus, health, dental and other wellness plans and 401(k) contributions. Discretionary bonus can be a significant portion of total compensation. Actual compensation for successful candidates will be carefully determined based on a number of factors, including their skills, qualifications and experience.
Two Sigma is a financial sciences company, combining rigorous inquiry, data analysis, and invention to solve the toughest challenges in investment management, securities, private equity, insurance technology and venture capital. Our modelers and engineers develop ideas backed by information and improved by iteration. Empowered by extraordinary computing power and vast amounts of data, we build sophisticated predictive models.
London, UK
2-4 year