Algorithms, Data science techniques, Effective communication skills, Information Retrieval, Machine learning techniques, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Product Management, Python Programming, Text Processing
Who we are and what we do
Deel is a global team that helps businesses hire anyone, anywhere, easily. Deel consists of more than two thousand self-driven individuals spanning over 100 countries. Our unified yet diverse culture keeps us continually learning and innovating the Deel platform and our products for customers.
Companies should be able to hire the best talent anywhere in the world, so we are building the best platform to make that a reality. Our market-leading technology, expertise, and global team are crucial to the success of Deel’s platform. We deliver the best products and platform features in our space, enabling millions of jobs worldwide and connecting the global workforce with the best companies and opportunities.
Why should you be part of Deel's success story?
A 30-mile hiring radius should no longer dictate how companies hire because great talent lives everywhere. Deel sees a world without hiring borders and endless talent that pairs perfect candidates with great companies.
We offer global teams all the tools they need to hire, onboard, manage, pay, and scale at full speed. We aim to foster a diverse global economy by building a generational platform that seamlessly connects companies with talent worldwide.
After our successful Series D in 2021, we raised another $50M last year, doubling our valuation to $12B.
There’s never been a more exciting time to join Deel — the market leader in international payroll and compliance.
We’d especially love to speak with you if:
Total Rewards
Our workforce deserves fair and competitive pay that meets them where they are. With scalable benefits, rewards, and perks, our total rewards programs reflect our commitment to inclusivity and access for all.
At Deel, you’ll enjoy:
Deel is a privately-held payroll and compliance provider based in San Francisco, California. The company provides hiring and payments services for companies hiring international employees and contractors.